Ring ceremony in Indian wedding

Wedding ring ceremony should be celebrated with perfect romantic setting,know you all agree!

  1. Wedding ring ceremony celebrations should be intimate kind of celebrations
  2. Plan all the ring ceremony celebrations way ahead for it to be as beautiful as all other wedding ceremonies

The Bride and Groom’s journey as a couple starts with this Indian traditional ceremony, called ring ceremony. Ring ceremony is where the boy and girl exchange rings and these rings are almost a seal of relationship as a couple. In traditional marriages the ring ceremony is considered as an acceptance of the relationship by the society, family and also obviously the boy and girl to start their journey as a couple. In love marriages the exchange of rings is the romantic proclamation of the boy and girl to start their life as a couple.

Ring ceremony is usually a small get together of immediate family and friends. Ring ceremony celebrations could also have only the couple and nobody else. The celebrations depend on the how couple wants it to be in love marriages, and how the family wants in arranged marriages.

Wedding ring ceremony , an intimate celebration needs to be well planned

Wedding rings like these sleek and silky are so very pleasant

The couple can plan ring ceremony keeping in their mind and heart that from that moment on their life as a couple will start formally. This moment has to be special and can be planned in the most romantic manner, and also with the help of your wedding planner.

Here are few suggestions from us regarding planning the ring ceremony. You can plan the ring ceremony right before sangeet event. This will kick-start the wedding celebrations on a enjoyable note. The backdrop of the ring ceremony stage can be theme based-it could be heart, stars, musical instruments and books, anything that for you define romance, as a couple. Music and fireworks can also be ideated keeping in view the theme of the ring ceremony celebrations.

Our suggestion as a wedding planner to you  is that this is the most precious and important moment of your wedding memories , though  it is the most  brief  wedding ceremony, so plan it at its best.

Author-Rishi Singh

Co-owner of Splash Events, The Wedding Planners

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Date Published:4th May 2017

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